The Paw Print

Tag: Volunteer

Tiny but Mighty

This is Tiny Tim. And he is just like the beloved and brave character in a Christmas... READ MOREabout Tiny but Mighty

Powerhouse Committee Raising Funds in Cape Breton

Dedicated, compassionate and influential. Those are the words that come to mind when I think of this... READ MOREabout Powerhouse Committee Raising Funds in Cape Breton

Brenda – The Fabulous Fundraiser

When you think of volunteering for the SPCA, what activities come to mind? Maybe cuddling baby... READ MOREabout Brenda – The Fabulous Fundraiser

Volunteer Spirit Runs in This Family

Volunteers are the backbone of the Nova Scotia SPCA; the organization could not do its life-saving... READ MOREabout Volunteer Spirit Runs in This Family

Caring Heart, Caring Hands

It’s been said that volunteers are ordinary people with extraordinary hearts. They offer the gift of... READ MOREabout Caring Heart, Caring Hands