The Paw Print

The Paw Print

Raising a New Roof: Helping Build the Gift of a Lifetime

The laptop. The cellphone. The DVD. The World Wide Web. Google. What do they have in common? They are... READ MOREabout Raising a New Roof: Helping Build the Gift of a Lifetime

Policy for Rescuing Paws

Most of us watch the news, get informed, learn a fun tidbit to share, then turn it... READ MOREabout Policy for Rescuing Paws

Guiding Paws: The Heartwarming Journey of Blinkin and Obi

Everyone needs a little help from a friend sometimes – even cats! And one bonded pair of... READ MOREabout Guiding Paws: The Heartwarming Journey of Blinkin and Obi

Making a Big Commitment Smaller

Terry Steeves was quite literally born an animal lover. “When my parents brought me home from the... READ MOREabout Making a Big Commitment Smaller

A House Full of Kittens: The Affleck Family’s Five New Blessings

Life doesn’t always go as planned, but sometimes the unexpected can turn into the biggest blessing. This... READ MOREabout A House Full of Kittens: The Affleck Family’s Five New Blessings