Adoption Application for Cats Date * I wish to adopt from the following location: * Cape BretonColchesterDartmouthKingsLa BaieNorth NovaYarmouthBARN CATHRM Animal Redemption Centre (Dartmouth) Name of the cat I would like to adopt is: * *Please note - We do not accept preapproval applications or wait lists. Please do not submit your application with a generic description such as 'kitten' or 'fluffy cat' without indicating the name of the cat that is currently listed for adoption. Name * Name First First Last Last Address * Address Address Address City City Province Province Postal Code Postal Code Phone * Email Please list the name of someone who is your emergency contact for the microchip registration file. They will be added as a back up to your microchip contacts in addition to any contact numbers listed above, this should not be someone who lives in the home with you. * Phone number for emergency contact * Please add me to your free e-newsletter for warm fuzzies * Yes No If you are human, leave this field blank. Next